WEW well it’s been over 2 years of hiatus but Phoenix Breaker updates are finally resuming, now on the new site here! I likely will not be resuming updates on Webtoons for two main reasons:

  • Rather than depend on the good graces of a big aggregator who ultimately does not have a creator’s best interests at heart, I have decided to divest my original comic from such places in favor of my own independent personalized site
  • Also the resolution restrictions on Webtoons are pretty annoying

To recap on what the deal with hiatus was, I had been going through a bit of a rough period for my physical and mental health at the time in early 2022. Related to this, I ended up also doing a big move from the southwest to northeast U.S. almost a year ago, and throughout hiatus in general needed to take my time focusing on making the comic/art in general at a pace that wouldn’t burn me out again.

My previous process for making and uploading the comic involved continuing to try to work on pages of a chapter that I was already beginning to upload in a vain attempt at some sort of less-glacially-slow rate of updates. This ended up becoming a major factor in my burnout at the time, so going forward my process revolves around only beginning to upload a chapter once the entire thing has been finished A to Z; this is what I’ve now done for the current new chapter.

Updates going forward

Today at the time of writing when hiatus has ended is Tuesday, so this will likely now be the day of the week for weekly updates which for now will again be a page or two each week.

As mentioned, my new process going forward is to only begin uploading a chapter once it’s already been finished, so this will entail regular periods of hiatus in between when a chapter is fully uploaded and when the next is finished and ready to begin being uploaded. Hopefully hiatuses will not be anything like this last one and only last maybe a couple months at a time.

A big thank you to everyone who’s been reading thus far and to anyone else who’s come here to give my original comic a chance!!



Lina Lau begins her lifelong dream of enlisting as a new professional in the North American Hero Association, with aspirations of wielding her fists and powers to protect the innocent! On this path she learns the role of her hands and martial skill in a world that will need saving.

Phoenix Breaker is an action and fighting comic that contains violence, blood, and profanity.

Begin reading here!


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Hiatus finally ends!!

WEW well it’s been over 2 years of hiatus but Phoenix Breaker updates are finally resuming, now on the new site here! I likely will not be resuming updates on Webtoons for two main reasons:

  • Rather than depend on the good graces of a big aggregator who ultimately does not have a creator’s best interests at heart, I have decided to divest my original comic from such places in favor of my own independent personalized site
  • Also the resolution restrictions on Webtoons are pretty annoying

To recap on what the deal with hiatus was, I had been going through a bit of a rough period for my physical and mental health at the time in early 2022. Related to this, I ended up also doing a big move from the southwest to northeast U.S. almost a year ago, and throughout hiatus in general needed to take my time focusing on making the comic/art in general at a pace that wouldn’t burn me out again.

My previous process for making and uploading the comic involved continuing to try to work on pages of a chapter that I was already beginning to upload in a vain attempt at some sort of less-glacially-slow rate of updates. This ended up becoming a major factor in my burnout at the time, so going forward my process revolves around only beginning to upload a chapter once the entire thing has been finished A to Z; this is what I’ve now done for the current new chapter.

Updates going forward

Today at the time of writing when hiatus has ended is Tuesday, so this will likely now be the day of the week for weekly updates which for now will again be a page or two each week.

As mentioned, my new process going forward is to only begin uploading a chapter once it’s already been finished, so this will entail regular periods of hiatus in between when a chapter is fully uploaded and when the next is finished and ready to begin being uploaded. Hopefully hiatuses will not be anything like this last one and only last maybe a couple months at a time.

A big thank you to everyone who’s been reading thus far and to anyone else who’s come here to give my original comic a chance!!

Site is live!

There are still some further design elements that need a bit more work, but other than that the site is now live! (This initial post is basically also a test to see how it will appear)